Saturday, August 31, 2019

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic technique in Act one scenes 1 to 7 Essay

The chief character of the play is Macbeth. He is first of all Thane of Glamis and then inherits the title thane of Cawdor from an executed traitor. Instigated by a prophecy from the Witches that he will become king, and urged on by his wife, he murders King Duncan, and has himself proclaimed king. To secure his position, he is driven to commit further criminal acts, and plunges his country into civil war. After he is killed in battle by Macduff he is described as a ‘dead butcher’. The first scene is set on the ‘moor’ that is bleak and desolate. This scene is one of desolation and devastation. The desolate countryside metaphorically separates the humans from the Witches who are used to open the play to introduce the idea of fate and destiny. From the stage directions, the ‘battlefield’ creates a scene of death, carnage and destruction in line 4, ‘when the battle’s lost and won’ and line 12 and 13, ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’ a paradox is offered. How can fair be foul? How a battle be lost and won? The Witches’ chant in rhyming couplets and their speech is deliberately equivocal to create confusion in the mortals, as it is open t interpretation. He rhyming couplets give the effect of an incantation, while the thunder and lightning echo the noise of the battle. Similarly strange is thepaaradox that closes the scene: contained within it is the oxymoron, ‘fair is foul, and foul is fair’, a paradoxical idea that the Witches are able to transform what is good into evil, and make what is evil appear virtuous. These are also the first words spoken in the play by Macbeth, the echo establishes an unconscious contact with the Witches and is dramatically effective. We discover that the Witches are on the ‘moor’ ‘to meet with Macbeth’. They seem to know where Macbeth will be. Once again they show that they can foretell the future. What can Macbeth the play’s eponymous hero have to do with these abnormal, ‘weird woman’ who ‘look not like th’inhabitants of earth’? How does he fit into their plans? The opening scene heightens the audience’s expectations, as Macbeth will soon appear on stage, the audience will try and establish exactly why the Witches hope t meet him. Witches held great significance for a Jacobean audience who believed in witchcraft. Witches were the objects of morbid and fevered fascination during this era. The Jacobeans were afraid and superstitious. They suspected that the Witches were credited with powers and could predict the future, fly, cause fogs and tempests, bring on night in daytime, kill animals and curse people, with fatal diseases as well as induce nightmares. By the use of this technique, Shakespeare knew that he would get his audience’s attention with the opening scene. Although brief, this scene sets the supernatural atmosphere of the play, which is central to its dramatic action. In scene two, Shakespeare cleverly moves the scene to establish a different mood when introducing the humans. The seething battlefield replaces the moor, foul thunder is replaced by the sound of the military alarum and the humans replace the Witches. In this scene we meet Duncan, the King of Scotland, and his sons, Donalbain and Malcolm. Duncan’s supremacy is instantly established for he is the first to speak. They receive a report of the battle fought against the King of Norway and Macdonwald, the thane of Cawdor who has proved disloyal to Duncan. From the report he audience learns about the heroism and bravery of one of the King Duncan’s generals, Macbeth. Shakespeare continues to build suspense as he introduces the humans. The audience are also introduced to evil in man and the evil in warfare. The playwright’s use of language helps to bring the battle to life and emphasises Macbeth’s importance. Dynamic verbs like, ‘smok’d’, ‘brandish’d’ and ‘unseam’d’ suggest Macbeth’s skills and courage as his sword ‘smok’d with bloody execution’. Once again we hear about Macbeth before we see him. Hw=e is spoken of in glowing terms and he becomes a hero in the eyes of the audience. Though he is referred to as a ‘worthy gentlemen’, there is still the memory that his name is connected with the Witches. ‘Brave Macbeth’ kills Macdonwald by carving ‘out his passage’ ’till he unseem’d him from the nave to the chops’ ‘with his brandish’d steel’ that ‘smok’d with bloody execution’. Part of this description highlights Macbeth’s bravery and valour, but the captain’s description of Macbeth’s ‘unseeming’ of Macdonwald can be interpreted in different ways. Shakespeare intentionally paints an ambiguous picture of Macbeth. Macbeth, however, is still not satisfied until he had ‘fix’d [Macdonwald’s] head’ upon the ‘battlements’. The decapitation of Macdonwald would support a more negative reading of Macbeth as oppose to his courageous behaviour. Scene two concludes with an ironic note as Macbeth is rewarded with the title of ‘Thane of Cawdor’ which has been taken from ‘that most disloyal traitor’ and given to Macbeth, who will prove to be more treacherous: ‘No more than Thane of Cawdor shall deceive, Our bosom interest. Go pronounce his death, And with his former title greet Macbeth’. The audience will realise that to make Macbeth Thane of Cawdor is a great mistake. We see Macbeth, the loyal subject and great hero who fought for good, change and become corrupt, and gradually deteriorate into a vicious tyrant. At the start of scene three, we meet the Witches once again in foul weather and we begin to witness their spiteful destructive nature. One ‘sister’ has been ‘killing swine’ while another has possession of a ‘pilot’s thumb’. The other Witch punishes a sailor’s wife by conjuring up a storm, therefore getting at her husband. From this the audience learns that the powers the Witches carry are limited. They cannot kill, but are able to create a climate for evil to flourish. ‘Though his bark cannot be lost Yet it shall be tempest-toss’d’. The Witches’ curse on the sailor can be read as a prediction of Macbeth’s future. We are shown that the Witches are determined to make people suffer. They torment the sailor and drain him ‘dry as hay’. They deny him sleep at ‘night’ and in the ‘day’. They ensure that ‘he shall live a man forbid’. However, Macbeth can be destroyed because the forces of veil are present within him. He alone causes chaos in the world by destroying the natural order when he deliberately choose the path of evil. The ship is a metaphor for the state of Scotland which is going to ‘tempest toss’d’ when Macbeth becomes king. ‘A drum beats and Macbeth makes an entrance. We finally meet him and it is significant that his first appearance is with the Witches on the ‘moor’. This represents his connection with evil. His paradoxical word ‘So foul and fair a day I have not seen’ arrests us because it replicates those of the Witches. This once again draws inferences between Macbeth and evil. This could suggest that the Witches have control over Macbeth, or that the ‘hags’ are in some way similar to him. The appearance of the Witches like their speeches is equivocal. It is Banquo, who is used now as a dramatic device, who first comments on the bizarre appearance of the Witches. They ‘look not like th’inhabitants o’th earth, and yet are on’t’ and they appear to be ‘women’ though they have ‘beards’. Banquo is calm and is looking for a reasonable explanation to why the Witches are on the moor, whilst Macbeth is impatient and wants an immediate answer to why the Witches have come with ‘such prophetic greetings’. The Witches prophesise that Macbeth, ‘Thane of Glamis’ will become ‘Thane of Cawdor’ and ‘king hereafter’, and that Banquo will have kings. Part of the prophecy is immediately fulfilled when a messenger announces that Duncan, King of Scotland has promoted Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. We the audience realise, that from the previous scene, Macbeth with his courage and bravery, and not the Witches’ powers, has won him the title ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Macbeth is ‘rapt withal’ and becomes lost in his thoughts, as the Witches have articulated his secret desire of killing the King. His mind has been corrupted and he wants glory for himself. Shakespeare shows how evil can control what is good in Macbeth. Macbeth is torn between the forces of good and evil and he believes that he cannot be king unless evil wins over good. Macbeth reveals a disturbed mind, when he speaks his own thoughts aloud in a soliloquy, as murder is in his mind. His first thought is to leave everything to chance: ‘If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me, Without my stir’ Macbeth has asked Ross and Angus, the messengers, why they ‘dress [him] in borrow’d robes’- why they call him by the name of Cawdor, when Cawdor lives. By the end of the scene Macbeth is contemplating ‘borrowing’ the king’s ‘robes’. The reference to clothing in this scene is symbolic. The imagery of clothing indicates status, prestige and symbolises a person’s title. By using the imagery of clothing, Shakespeare is trying to show that if you wear someone else’s clothes they may feel uncomfortable and they may ‘cleave not to their mould’ because they are ‘borrow’d’. Therefore if Macbeth wears the robes of the kingship they will ‘cleave not to [his] mould’ as he is not worthy of the kings throne. When the Witches depart in this scene, Macbeth orders them to, ‘Stay, you imperfect speakers tell me more’. Macbeth’s curiosity has got the better of him and his demand of the Witches indicates his obsessive interest with these ‘weird women’ and their prophecies. The Witches ‘vanish’ into the air as they do not receive orders from mortals and will not be dictated to. The source and purpose of their evil remains a mystery to the audience. Shakespeare metaphorically compares the disappearance of the Witches to ‘bubbles’. Macbeth’s life can also be represented as a bubble, as the ‘honour, love, obedience’ and ‘troops of old friends’ that he has will soon disappear under the wishes they had ‘stay’d’. Ross and Angus enter, they are used as dramatic devices to convey to Macbeth the Kings decision to reward Macbeth with the title ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Macbeth and Banquo are both shocked as the ‘devil’ has spoken the truth. Macbeth is already snared by the Witches’ prophecies, as he believes that, ‘The greatest is behind’ On the other hand, Banquo can see through the trickery of the Witches. He is sceptical and can see through Macbeth’s motives in asking him whether he hopes his heirs will become kings. Banquo tries to warm Macbeth against the ‘instruments of darkness’. He tries to convince Macbeth that the Witches tell simple truths that are easy to believe, so that when they want to deceive people with more important matters they will also be believed. ‘And often times, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence’. Banquo is portrayed b by Shakespeare in a positive light, as he does not make him an accomplice in Duncan’s murder. The stage directions show that Macbeth turns ‘aside’. This informs the audience that he is talking to himself. This symbolises Macbeth turning away from the other characters in the play as well as the path to righteousness. Shakespeare uses dramatic language to emphasise Macbeth’s horror. His ‘seated heart knock’ at his ‘ribs’ and his hair is ‘unfix’ed’. The scene concludes with Macbeth and Banquo following Ross and Angus to meet the king. The audience are filled with a sense of apprehension and anticipation. One question remains: how will Macbeth get the crown? Scene four opens with a focus on treachery and betrayal. King Duncan hears his son, Malcolm, relate how the treacherous Cawdor has been executed. Also in this scene Duncan reveals his lack of knowledge regarding his own thanes. He exposes a very human weakness-one which lies at the heart of the play- the difficulty of working out who is loyal and who is pretyending loyalty: ‘There’s no art to find the Mind’s construction in the face’. It seems likely that there is an implicit criticism of Duncan here: a good King should be able to assess the loyalty of all his servants. Duncan’s failure to do so reveals his limitation as a monarch- one who is taken in by appearances. Dramatic irony is introduced where Duncan announces that Cawdor was a Kinsman in whom he had ‘absolute trust’. Macbeth’s betrayal will replicate that of Cawdor’s. When Macbeth and Banquo enter, Duncan immediately singles out Macbth for praise, ‘o’worthiest cousin’. The superlative ‘worthiest’ subtly reveals that Macbeth is yet another thane in whom Duncan has ‘absolute trust’. Macbeth is the most dangerous of the potential traitors because he is closest to the king. Scene four is the only time we see Macbeth and Duncan together and Shakespeare contrasts the forces of good and evil. Macbeth’s deceit and hypocrisy is shown in this scene when he praises King Duncan and promises to honour him with ‘loyalty’. He convinces Duncan that servicing ‘your highness’ will be its own reward. Macbeth is a hypocrite because in the previous scene he has contemplated the ‘murder’ of Duncan. Duncan ironically comments that he has started to metaphorically ‘plant Macbeth’, meaning that he will make sure that Macbeth grows greater and stronger as a reward for his services. This is ironic because what is growing in Macbeth is the seed of ambition to be King himself. Shakespeare deliberately plants an obstacle in Macbeth’s path when Duncan announces that his eldest son, Malcolm, is to succeed him as king. Macbeth now sees Malcolm as an obstacle between himself and the throne ‘which he must fall down’ or ‘else o’er leap’. Shakespeare uses the euphemism that Malcolm is a ‘step’ he must ‘o’er leap’, in order to disguise the realisation that Malcolm must be eradicated. In an ‘aside’, symbolically turning his back on the King, Macbeth reveals to the audience, and articulates for the first time his ‘black and deep desires’. He invokes the powers of darkness to ‘hide [their] fires’. At the beginning of scene five, we see that Macbeth and his ‘dearest partner of greatness’, Lady Macbeth, have a very close relationship. This is a contrast to how distant they become later on in the play when Macbeth’s ‘fiend-like queen’ is ‘innocent of the knowledge’. She is ‘innocent of the knowledge’ as Macbeth does not confide about his plans to kill Banquo, and she shows ignorance of Macbeth’s murder of Macduff’s family. She asks in her rambling state ‘where’ the Thane of Fife’s wife is ‘now’. Macbeth’s lack of sorrow when he hears of his wife’s death is also indicative of how they have drifted apart. In all the public scenes in the play she acts ‘like the innocent flower’; in the private scenes we see the ‘serpent under’t’. It is suggested that she commits suicide as she has become lonely and rather isolated. Lady Macbeth does not live up to the expectation of a typical Jacobean/Elizabethan woman. She wants the spirits the ‘spirits’ to ‘unsex’ her so that she can be tough and strong. Lady Macbeth uses strong imperatives and determined language that is brutal and violent. This is because she is delighted with her husband’s letter and shows determination that he will become king. The letter form Macbeth describes the Witches’ appearances, their prophecies-in particular that which promises the throne to Macbeth- but does not mention King Duncan’s announcement of his heir; the audience can therefore, assume that this letter was written immediately after the events which occur in the third scene. Although Lady Macbeth knows that her husband is ambitious, she is aware that he ‘is too full o’the milk of human kindness’. She says that ruthlessness is an ‘illness’ that Macbeth does not have. This is not a true portrayal of Macbeth, because from the previous scenes and throughout the play we see that Macbeth is not ‘too full o’the milk of human kindness’ but lacks it. Perhaps she is comparing Macbeth to herself and is saying that Macbeth is not as ambitious as she is. Lady Macbeth under estimates the powers of her conscience. She see her conscience as her weakness, not realising until after Duncans ‘murder’ how she will pour[her] spirits in his ear’. She has also decided that nothing will stand between him (or her?) and the ‘golden crown’ ( a metonym for the throne). Lady Macbeth greets her husband like the Witches, which subconsciously links her to evil and believes that her call to the ‘murdering ministers’ has been answered. She feels ‘now the future in the instant’ and that she is ‘beyond this ignorant present’. This is ironic as Lady Macbeth is still being ‘ignorant’. Lady Macbeth’s confidence is a contrast to Macbeth’s uncertainty. She advises him to ‘look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t’ and to ‘only look up clear’. She is in control of their relationship and tries to help Macbeth find the necessary determination to do the ‘deed’. Though Lady Macbeth appears to be confident, she uses euphemisms when talking to Macbeth about the ‘nights great business’. At this point in the play, Macbeth has been tempted to commit regicide, however he has tried to resist temptation. Macbeth’s resistance, however, is not vigorous enough to stand up to his wife’s ability to manipulate him. The scene closes dramatically with Lady Macbeth’ emphatic affirmation that Duncan’s fate rests in her hands- ‘leave all the rest to me’. Scene six sees King Duncan arriving at Macbeth’s castle, he and Banquo talk about how ‘pleasant’ a place it is to visit. They comment that the air ‘recommends itself’ and ‘is delicate’. This is ironic in view of Lady Macbeth’s words in the previous scene, and even more so when compared with that of the Witches say about the ‘fog and filthy air’ surrounding their evil deeds. Duncan also says that he is grateful for the ‘love’ which is shown to him. Here again, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony. The idea that Duncan feels safe and loved in the surroundings is ironic as this will be the scene of his murder. This creates a sense of anticipation for the audience. It shows Duncan’s naivety, as he keeps full trust in Macbeth and his ‘fair and noble hostess’. We are presented in this scene with images of tranquillity and the words ‘host’ and ‘guest’ are repeated. At the beginning of scene seven, we once again see the struggle between the forces of good and evil. Macbeth cannot make up his mind whether to kill Duncan and he wrestles with his conscience in his soliloquy. He knows that the murder would be wrong and would he would end up paying the price for his crime, but he has ‘vaulting ambition’ that is very persuasive to his conscience. Though Macbeth is driven by ‘his vaulting ambition’ he redeems himself and ‘will proceed no further in this business’, as Duncan’s murder will be ‘like angels, trumpet-tongu’d’ and heaven would be outraged. The verb ‘will’ shows Macbeth’s determination to keep his soul. Toward the end of his soliloquy Macbeth compares his excessive ambition to a horse that tries to jump too high and fall on the other side of the fence. Within the soliloquy Macbeth’s thoughts seem to be fragmented, this is shown by the use of many full stops. Lady Macbeth verbally assaults her husband using violent language that becomes heightened. She accuses him of being a ‘coward’ and questions his manhood: ‘when you durst do it’, she says, ‘ then you were a man’. She is forceful in her language and she conjures up images of horror. She knows, ‘How tender’tis love the babe that milks me: I would, While it was smiling in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Lady Macbeth seems to have been granted her earlier wish to the evil spirits to ‘Fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty’. Macbeth’s earlier decision not to kill Duncan crumbles under the scornful attack of his wife, especially when his bravery is questioned. However, he is still worried bout what will happen to then if they ‘should fail’. Shakespeare cleverly ends the scene with rhyming couplets. ‘Away, and mock the time with fairest show, False face must hide what the false heart doth know’. The rhyming couplets symbolise their connection with the Witches and evil as they complete their preparations for murder. The audience waits in anticipation. Throughout Act one Shakespeare creates an atmosphere of tension by exploring the theme of evil against good. Symbolism is used to emphasise this theme. Dramatic irony, dramatic language and strong descriptive scenes also help to build up an atmosphere of tension.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Will Doing a Master’s Get Me a better job?

Many students wrestle with the decision whether to take up Postgraduate study at the end of their Undergraduate degree. For some students this is to put off the thought of getting a ‘real-job’ for another year (which is a bad reason to do a Master’s!), but for others it is seen as a route to further develop their education, themselves, and – ultimately – their employability. But that invariably comes with a cost: another year of course fees, accommodation and bills, and remaining a poor student. So how do you know if Postgraduate study is for youToday we look at whether a Master’s is for you†¦Post-Graduate Study To Get a JobOne of the most commonly cited reasons that students give for pursuing Master’s courses is because they feel the qualifications will boost their salary. On first impressions, the statistics suggest that people with master’s qualifications are more likely to find work than those with undergraduate degrees – and they’re likely to earn a slightly higher wage. Data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (Hesa) shows 86.6% of postgraduates were working in professional positions six months after graduating, compared with 64% of first degree graduates. Sounds great, right?A Master’s is not a Magic TicketHowever, students need to remember that there isn’t an explicit labour market for Master’s qualifications. This means that many master’s graduates – especially those with generalist rather than vocational qualifications – will still be competing against first degree graduates for jobs. If you’re studying a technical master’s – for example in a pharmaceutical or medical subject area – then it’s likely that this will enhance your employability above an undergraduate. However, if you’re doing a master’s of a more generic nature that’s not essential to the advertised job, employers will probably view you in the same way as other graduates.What does this mean?This would mean that those graduating with Master’s degrees need to highlight to employers that recruiting someone with an additional qualification will benefit their organisation. If you’ve done a more general master’s course that isn’t required by a prospective employer then you need to show what skills you’ve gained – research skills, lateral thinking and so on. You should show that you’re able to study something in-depth and do good critical analysis, a transferable skill in all walks of employment.Funding I ssuesFinding funding to study a Masters isn’t easy and for a lot of students, a lack of funding means that continuing university study isn’t an option. Some universities may have scholarship opportunities or offer discounts to students who move from undergraduate to postgraduate level. You don’t get a student loan either for Master’s Study – so you need to be sure it is definitely what you want before committing to it.How do I get the most out of my Master’s Degree?To get the most out of a Master’s degree you need to have a clear goal and an idea of what you want to get out of it. If you want to get into industry, then think strategically – make sure that you’re getting work experience or going on placements and that this links in with your studies. Put as much research into finding a postgrad course as you did when searching for an undergraduate course – and think about the end game. Ultimately its important for students not to embark on a postgraduate course just because they think that it will make them more employable. You will need to explain to employers what benefits their qualification will bring, but there is no denying that – if you a clear goal and reason for study – that enhancing your skills with a postgraduate degree will enhance your employability.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ernest Hemingway Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ernest Hemingway Research Paper - Essay Example Early Life Ernest Hemingway was born in Illinois on July 21, 1899. His mother’s musical interests did not influence him as much as his father’s love for the outdoors. This spirit of adventure would later be visible in his writings (Boon 9). In high school, he edited the school newspaper Kansas City Star. He participated in the World War I for the American Red Cross as a bus driver and was injured in 1918 after an attack. After the World War I, he returned to the United States of America and met Sherwood Anderson, and in 1921 he married Hadley Richardson. A short time later he moved to Paris, France, as a correspondent of the Star. Their stay in Paris coincided with the publication of Three Stories and Ten. Hemingway wrote the drafts In our Time in 1923 and later published it in 1924. In mid-1923, the family returned to Toronto where he rejoined the Star, but he went back to Paris in 1924. In Paris, he met Gertrude Stein, and this ushered him to the world of artists and authors of the ‘lost generation’, giving an inspiration to the novel The Sun Also Rises (Bloom 11). Literary Career Death in the Afternoon The novel starts with Hemingway talking about his love for bull fighting after being introduced to the sport by Gertrude Stein. He is initially skeptical about bull fighting, as he assumes that it would cause the death of horses. This novel is a nonfiction account of Hemingway’s observation of bull fighting in Spain from the 1920’s to the 1930’s. The book gives a vivid explanation of bullfighting in Spain and his life. â€Å"The bull fight is not a sport in the Anglo Saxon sense word that is it is not an equal contest or an attempt at an equal contest between a bull and a man. Rather it is a tragedy the death of the bull which is played, more or less well, by the bull and the man involved in which there is a danger for the man but certain death for the animal† (Hemingway, â€Å"Death in the Afternoon† 22). The Old Man and the Sea This story is set in Cuba where Santiago, a fisherman, sets out to fish but fails to catch anything. His young apprentice, Manolin, is convinced by his parents to leave Santiago and go fishing in another area. Nevertheless, Manolin continues to help Santiago. Later on Santiago goes further away from his usual fishing waters, releases his fishing gear deep into the sea, hooks into a marlin, and the fish pulls his fishing boat. The fishing experience goes wrong, and he endures a lot of pain while holding the fishing equipment. Blood appears in the waters, attracting sharks; he kills them but they eat the marlin; nevertheless, he takes the skeletons to his ramshackle. The following day fellow fishermen gather around his boat in amazement and Manolin is excited upon seeing Santiago safe in bed. The story depicts bravery of Santiago, who ventures out into the sea despite having caught no fish in eighty four days. Despite the difficulties Santiago endures a nd conquers, the victory of sea and sharks is the ultimate point in the story. Our Time This is a collection of fifteen short stories. In the first part, Nick Adams is brought into an Indian Camp by his father, and a woman gives birth there. Later, Nick’s father argues with an Indian. Nick Adam’s love life follows that of Nick, and his friend Bill drinks at Bill’s house. In chapter five, Nick is thrown off a train and meets an old friend of his. Thereafter, a soldier falls in love

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research Design And Analysis Week 5 Assignment 2

Research Design And Analysis Week 5 2 - Assignment Example Qualitative studies also focus on development of meaning on a subject matter as opposed to the scope of quantitative research that focuses on identifying and testing existence of causal relationships. The scope of the article however identifies focus on understanding the role of critical praxis in teamwork. Qualitative research is also subjective, depends on people’s opinion and this identifies with the authors’ approach that express their informed opinion on the subject. Use of words, subjectivity, and focus on development of meaning therefore identifies the article as a qualitative article (Seibold & Kang 2008; Gerrish & Lacey, 2013). The author does not offer a theoretical framework for the study that is exploratory. No discussion therefore exists on a theory or previous application of a theory. The authors also failed to develop research questions for their study. In addition, the authors do not state their study’s dependent and independent variables. The exploratory scope of the study also fails to offer a basis for assuming variables and their relationship (Seibold,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Desiree's baby by kate chopin literary analysis Essay

Desiree's baby by kate chopin literary analysis - Essay Example However, fate was soon to prove what kind of a lover Armand really was. Yet, the irony lies in how he quickly judged his wife, saying she was not white when in the end, he was to discover that he was the quadroon. After Armand’s mother died, his father brought him from France to Louisiana when he was just eight years old. He met Desiree when they first went to the place however he seemed to notice her or never felt any strong feelings toward her until the day he saw her standing against the stone pillar while he was riding by. The man is described to have such strong feelings toward the maiden such that he seemed to have been â€Å"swept along like an avalanche, or like a prairie fire, or like anything that drives headlong over all obstacles† (Chopin). Perhaps the love that the young felt toward the woman was really strong so that he did not mind her background but was even willing to get her the best gifts for her wedding, patiently waiting for them to arrive from Pari s. Moreover, Armand’s love for the woman made him a better man as exemplified by the way he treated his servants from the time he married Desiree. It is also mentioned that the man’s face â€Å"had not often been disfigured by frowns since the day he fell in love with her†. ... He accused his wife of being Black because of their child who was growing to show the features of black people. He became cold toward Desiree and never bothered to hold his son again. He even was very willing to let go her wife and son just because of his suspicions. He did not show any interest in his wife or his son and he showed how strongly decided he was with his perceptions about her race when he never even stirred to stop the woman when she left the house with her son. As mentioned earlier, Armand is seen as a racist whose feelings toward his wife changed because of the color of his son’s skin. He assumed that Desiree might have come from a Black bloodline and this made him dislike her. However, reading through the end of the story, one cannot help to think that Armand’s reactions toward Desiree might have been deliberately done to hide what he might have felt about himself. The story does not clearly show if the letter of Armand’s mother confessing about her race was discovered even before Desiree and her son left. It is possible that Armand might have felt ashamed about his forebears and was embarrassed to even admit about it therefore he might just have made his wife the excuse to explain the color of his son. Armand became a man who was too proud to admit he was black or he might have been afraid about how he would be treated if his family background became known. As a master who was hard on his Black servants, he might have felt ashamed about himself. It is also possible that Armand might have felt afraid that Desiree will leave him if she learned about his mother and henceforth, he chose to hurt her instead of waiting for her to hurt him. Perhaps he was too

Monday, August 26, 2019

Texts 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Texts 2 - Essay Example The model somehow mixes the inner and outer sings as well as many disciplines which can be seen by explaining that sociology, psychology and economics are major disciplines whereas parks and recreation, agriculture and transport are not the fields of study but are included as major disciplines in the model. The model actually is a puzzle between major and minor disciplines (Tribe, 1999) Also, we can say that marketing and business represent themselves as a problem. Marketing in general is considered a business function, it uses principles and guidelines from sociology and psychology as well as uses some of the business principles. Marketing is studied as a sub major in business and also, law is included in the business studies. So we can include these two as sub majors in the major discipline of business. "techniques required in business studies are derivative partly from the disciplines that contribute to them and partly from the world of business practice." Henkel’s analysis clearly explains aforementioned theories and states that in an alternate form that the validation of a part of its knowledge is outside of its academy (tribe, 1999). Tourism and business studies are the two emerging fields of studies and both of these fields collide or cooperate with each other in one way or the other. Hence, Tribe forces on the fact that there needs to be a new formulation of re interpretation of the model presented by Ritchie and Jafari since we need to incorporate business and marketing in the their model.Accommodating all the disciplines and departments under one heading of tourism studies is rather confusing and very difficult. We can say that we now need to divide the field of tourism studies into multiple fields, at least two and one of these two fields can be called tourism business studies whereas rest are still to be identified or incorporated into other fields of tourism studies. A tourism business study is a field of study mainly inspired from business

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 101

Discussion - Essay Example Enormous social gap developed between peons and political leaders. Native workers received substandard wages and were forced to pay head taxes to the colonial regimes. In addition, agricultural village communities integrated into wider regional and global economic patterns, and because few peasants had enough capital to own and manage land, much of the land fell into hands of colonial settlers. So, labor and capital were thus disconnected from the moral economy (Scupin, 300). Because of stifling the economic development a monocultural dependency was created, which made almost impossible for these nations to develop diversified resources for the international market. Another appeared problem is that the internal market was rather limited for their products, as their own societies lack a consuming middle class. That is why these societies remained peripheral, developing as expert platforms (BÃ ©rtola, 35). Nevertheless, colonialism had a positive effect, as it gave way to political movements based upon nationalism and independence. These movements represented anticolonial sentiments and resulted in creating many new countries (Scupin, 319). But still many regions remain devastated and underdeveloped because their economies are heavily dependent on the wealthy core countries and people through these countries have to adapt their traditional social and cultural mechanisms adjusting to effects of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Academic Skills of Essays and Report Writing Essay

Academic Skills of Essays and Report Writing - Essay Example This paper provides an in-depth discussion on the possibility of academic skills in report writing and essays increasing one’s employability and making them more competitive in the global market.Apart from being knowledgeable, many employers will always want people with critical thinking abilities. In fact, some employers will even prefer critical thinkers to knowledgeable employees. Due to the fact that writing reports and essays usually involve critical thinking one’s critical thinking abilities are always improved in the process. Â  Critical thinking can be defined as a reflective and purposeful analysis, which leads to conclusions that had not been reached before. Â  One reason as to why report and essay writing can be said to enhance critical thinking is the fact that through such processes students usually interact with different perspectives. This makes them able to view situations from various perspectives. Having numerous perspectives will mean that you are a ble to give more than one possible solutions to issues in the field.Some people might have some concept, but fail to present the concept in a manner that it will be easily understood. No employer will be willing to employ an employee who does not know how to present his or her information in a manner that is clear and easily understandable. This is the reason as to why report and essay writing can be of importance in increasing one’s employability. Â  When one is involved in the essay and report writing processes one will definitely be in a position to know how to present concepts in a manner that they can easily make sense. If one is not able to present concepts and ideas in a way that some meaning can be deduced from them, then the concepts and ideas are as good as non-existent. This is because it would not be of any help to the organization.

Criminalology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminalology - Case Study Example el also views the community as the center of correctional treatment and feels that by reintegrating the individual back to the society, he/she will quit his/her deviant behaviors and uphold a living that will be beneficial both the him/her and the society (Restorative Justice, n.d.). When the community takes charge in maintaining and reintegrating the members who are deviant, least amount of security is necessary to maintain public safety. Everyone becomes aware that they have an important role to play and so deviance is discouraged. The Rational Basis Test is used to determine whether a law is constitutional. Therefore, according to the test or for a law to pass the rational basis test, it must be established that it is related to a legitimate government interest. So using the test, there must be a rational connection between the regulation and the legitimate interest put forward to justify it. If a law cannot pass the rational basis test, then it translates that it is not legitimate and cannot be used in the criminal justice system. The rational basis test is used mainly in cases where no fundamental rights are at stake. There must be an alternative means of exercising the right. As indicated earlier, the test establishes or tests whether an action taken by the government is reasonable and whether it may be legitimately pursued by the same. In simple words, the action taken must be rationally related to a given government action to be considered legitimate. There must be an alternative means of exercising the right that remains open to the offender. The offender has his rights and so the action taken must not close all avenues that he can use. Otherwise the action will not pass the Rational Basis Test. The social environment has significant effects on the correctional policies. For instance, the community plays a major role in the correction of offenders and most often it’s their failure that makes the person not to be integrated again in the community.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Financial and Managerial Accounting Personal Statement

Financial and Managerial Accounting - Personal Statement Example I have been working with an audit firm for the last three years and through this experience I did gain good amount of knowledge in the fields of financial accounting, auditing and taxation. But lately I have realized the importance of management and decision making in comparison to analyzing the outcomes of decision already made. Moreover, my educational qualification and work experience has given me a strong foundation in public accounting, but now I find the necessity to broaden my horizon so that when required, I would be able to view a situation from various angles rather than having just an auditor's view. Also, in order to improve my career, I would have to be in a position wherein I would have the responsibility as well as the capability to make crucial decisions. As I went through the IMA website, I realized that the curriculum in the CMA program could prepare me well for this challenge. I have always been a person who likes to work on one's own terms. Though I am part of a finance team of a medium scale company right now, I intend to establish my own business in the near future. As of now, I am working on improving my skill and knowledge and looking for ways to increase the resources available in order to achieve my goals.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Boeing 787 dream liner Essay Example for Free

The Boeing 787 dream liner Essay Boeing has tried to keep up with the pace of producing the already late project of the Boeing 787 dream liner. The company have been suffering much inconveniences especially from the overseas companies it had outsourced some parts of the fuselage. The company has invested substantial amount in the production of different parts of the plane. The company was aiming at rolling ten planes in a month though they are unable even to roll seven due to incapability of their production plants and the delays that are being caused by the team players in the production of the parts (Norris et al, 2005). In this research, the qualitative method would be used as it would give the details of why and how the company came on the conclusion of outsourcing the B787 parts to oversea companies. Qualitative method will explain the reason why the company decided to outsource the aircraft parts and how the process has affected the company, either positively or negatively (Denzin Lincoln, 2005). When Boeing Company decided to outsource the parts to Mitsubishi heavy industries in Japan, the company was looking for labor that would give the aspired results in time in order for the company to hit its targeted time. The outsourced parts have failed to meet the company’s prospect and its costing the company more delay and money as well. The delay have already cost the company more than $10 billion and is estimated it might lose more if no quick action is going to be taken (Dominic, 2009). The company identified the weaknesses in the already completed parts by the contracted companies and did not meet the expected standards during the test. The parts were made of composite materials and could peel off if the airplane is exposed in either extreme heat or cold temperatures. The company outsourced 60% of the aircraft to different suppliers which was seen as a brilliant move that could save the company huge money and time. The other reason is because the company wanted to shift from the aluminum technology to composite materials (Corliss, 2009). When the parts were being connected together, there were variations in different aircraft parts which posed a great risk to the safety of the company. The company is continually loosing as more delays occur as the company tries to woo the contracted suppliers to hurry and do amendments to parts that do not meet the quality checks, example, the wings were found to bear less weight that they were designed to support thus bringing the un-uniformity of the initial aircraft design. This has also contributed to the decline of the company’s share prices by about 4. 9% (Susanna, 2010). Boeing Company had made a sound financial decision when it outsourced some parts of the B787 to other companies though they had not calculated the risks that could on the other hand be brought by outsourcing. The delay and fail in quality of the parts paralyzed the Boeing’s sound decision and proofed it wrong and expensive than if it could have made all its parts in its production center. The company is not achieving its targets and could loose the business to its competitor the giant European Airbus company. The company has spent well over the amount it could have spent if it could have used its usual production line as it does with other planes because chances of production of parts that do not meet the standard are rare. Reference: Corliss, B. (2009)Whats new, different about the 787. The Daily Herald, June 21. Denzin, K. Lincoln, S. (Eds. ). (2005). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Dominic, G. (2009) 787 ramp-up wont be easy, Boeing partners say, URL http://seattletimes. nwsource. com/html/boeingaerospace/2009352316_airshowsuppliers180. html Norris, G. ; Thomas, G. ; Wagner, M. and Forbes Smith, C. (2005). Boeing 787 Dreamliner – Flying Redefined. Aerospace Technical Publications International. Susanna, R. (2010) Boeing Fails to Resolve 787 Incomplete Parts Delivery (Update2) URL http://www. businessweek. com/news/2010-05-20/boeing-fails-to-resolve-787-incomplete-parts-delivery-update2-. html

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Factors Contributing To Building Defects

Factors Contributing To Building Defects Defects occur in building for a variety of reasons. This is perhaps not surprising when one considers the wide range of materials and techniques used in the construction of building, differences in condition on building sites and the varied occupational uses of the completed building. The defects in buildings occur because the inadequate or drawback of the original design, the building was constructed without according with the design or with appropriate practise, or the workmanship was below standard, or because the building has been accepted forces. The emergence of defects will affecting the comfort of occupants, such as noise interruption, solar gain and glare, have however been omitted as it is considered that they do not affect the fabric or the services and are not therefore building defects but purely defects of design. Basically, most of the defects are created from: The applications of forces either from internally or externally, even whole of building, or the components or materials of the building. The effects of materials no matter in a gaseous, liquid or solid state which contribute with the external climatic conditions and caused by the occupancy of the building The effects of biological agents Changes in temperature Those factors may lead to: Changes in the composition or condition of the materials used in the construction of the building such change may cause the materials more vulnerable to force Changes in the construction, ranging from slight cracking not affecting stability to complete destruction Changes in shape, size or weight Changes in appearance, including colour If slightly of changes from the original condition may not be considered as defects but this depends on the situation. As for major changes will generally be considered as defects, but may not if the changes do not affect the appearance. In general, Changes in composition can be result from: Fire The effects of gases, liquids and solids Biological agents Sunlight Changes in the structure from: Applied physical forces, including those from ground movements Fire Climatic condition Changes in shape, size and weight from: Applied physical forces Effects of gases, liquids and solids Effect of change of temperature Changes in appearance from: Wear Fire Effects of gases, liquids and solids Effect of changes of temperature Effect of sunlight From the more practical aspects, most of the defects can be placed in one of the three major groups and those defects are no means to clear-cut and will often overlapping. These groups are: Defects cause by dampness Defects cause by applied forces Defects cause by changes in size Besides, most of the defects can be occur due to the designer did not fully appreciate that the changes can befall in the construction or in the materials used, therefore the designer did not provided adequate safeguards in his design. If the chosen materials are unsuitable for the conditions, the materials will consider as defects. Most of the times, designer will take into account the cost to determine the choice of materials. It is important to understanding of the inherent properties of materials before select any materials. Before making the choices of materials for the construction, the designer must understand of the inherent properties of those materials. Greater use of the concept of trouble-shooting in advance can improved the designs and will undeniably lead to a reduction in the defects which occur in buildings. On the other hand, poor workmanship, especially do not compliance with the instruction given in the specification is also responsible for the occurrence of defects. The lack of maintenance or incorrect maintenance can reduce the effective life of a material and far lower than it should be achieved (Eldridge, 1976). Dampness Dampness is one of the defects which are most difficult to trace and diagnose. The dampness only can be perceived once it appears at the surface of the walls. There are countless ways in which water can exist in a building. Dampness may occur in the same building and at the same time even be responsible for the same damp patch. Buildings are assembled by a lot of different materials. All the materials have different inherent properties and many of them are water-absorbent. There are the major sources of water caused the dampness in building, such as construction water, intruding water, condensation and occupational (Eldridge, 1976). Construction Water In the construction of a building, a great quantity of water is required. A great quantity of water is required in the construction of a building, even for an ordinary building at least several tons of water is necessary. As well as some of the water will be used in setting the materials such as Portland cement, gypsum plasters and etc. Some construction water may be dried up at the time before the buildings have been occupied, but some construction water will still be retained in the buildings structure. Even though heating will dry up the water inside the structure, but in some case the water inside the structure are failed to dry up due to the walls have been applied the impervious decorations such as paintwork. And finally, the construction water will kept accumulate inside the walls (Eldridge, 1976). Intruding Water Rainfall is one of the reasons to allow the water into a building. While rain falls by gravity but it can be blown by the wind in all directions against a building. The driving rain will find any weakness on the wall and into a building either directly through the defects of the walls or indirectly by absorption. The water may transfer through the defects on the walls such as cracks or hollow sections for some distance and wet the internal surface of walls. Therefore, this would be very difficult to find the points of water entry. Besides, dampness may be enter a building from ground even the properly constructed of damp-proof course or membrane have been carry out. The watertightness of the joints is very important in the prevention of rain penetration. Intruding dampness which wets insulating materials may seriously lower their effectiveness and lead to condensation. The intruding dampness can be divided into penetration damp and rising damp (Eldridge, 1976). Penetration Damp Penetrating damp is caused by the porous nature of the building and as a result of external water getting into a building through the external walls and ultimately affects the internal wall surfaces. Besides that, the buildings near coastal areas or areas facing the sea can also suffer from penetrating damp. The penetrating damp of the walls will caused serious deteriorating affects to the internal finishing like damp staining, salting, blown plaster, spoiling and peeling of the wall finishes. Wall penetrating dampness occurs in a building are related with the somewhat faulty building work or the fault in the plumbing work which has allowed water to enter into the building. The common defects that can result in the transfer of water from the external faà §ade of a building into its living accommodation such as the defective of roof coverings, poorly maintained walls, poorly guttering and down pipes, poorly fitting or rotten door and windows frames, broken render or damaged pointing. Even these defects can be cured, but the affects of residual moisture within the building can continue to create problems for months and sometimes years. On the other hand, a watermark may be appearing on the internal wall and it will grow if the water continues to enter thus penetrating damp walls. In addition, the watermark will grow rapidly and become worse especially after the heavy rainfall. (David Sutcliffe, n.d.) A damp wall will take one month for each inch of the wall thickness to dry out after the source of the penetrating damp is removed. (David Sutcliffe, n.d.) Some of the buildings have exceptionally thick external walls and thus the affect of penetrating damp will continue over a longer period of time if nothing protective is done. The penetrating damp may be minimised, once the defect of the walls is correctly identified and the source of water ingress eliminated. Rising Damp Rising damp usually occurs in the older brickwork which the brickwork or the mortar between the brickwork is more porous. The mortar in the older buildings will losing its original adhesive properties, becomes soft and crumbles easily, almost reverting back to a sandy base, therefore the mortar will becomes absorbent and pass water through it. In other word, the rising damp is hardly occurs in the newer brickwork where the brick and cement mortar courses are in good condition. Besides that, the rising damp also may occur in the brickwork due to not providing the damp proof course or where the damp proof course has failed. The rising damp can be occur in the brick walls due to the water upward movement through the porous mortar from the ground salt (Chloride Nitrates), this action as known as Capillary Action. Once the rising moisture is above the floor level, the water evaporates and leaves the salt deposits behind. The evaporation often draws more water up and in turn leaves more salts behind. The longer the moisture is allowed to rise, the more salts will become evident. The rising damp will as a result of deteriorating affecting to the external finishes and internal finishes of the walls such as: Paint does not adhere to the wall. Wall paper lifts and stains appear on the walls. Plaster flakes away, feels soft and spongy, bubbles and white powder or crystals appear. Skirting boards and floor boards rot. Mortar frets and falls out between bricks and stonework. Stains or white powder appear on walls. There problems are mainly aesthetic problems only, however it is conceivable that the structural damage could result from extensive rising damp, and of course a damp mouldy environment could pose a health risk to people. (Graham Drage, Causes and Remedies for the Three Main Causes of Damp in Dwellings) Condensation Water vapour is normally present in the air. The quantity of water vapour contained depends on the temperature of the air. This ratio is called the relative humidity. Hot air is able to carry much more water vapour than cold air, so as the temperature of air increase, it is able to hole a greater volume of water vapour. Such water vapour comes from our breathing, bathing, cooking and other domestic activities. When the water vapour contact with cold surface it will converted into liquid water. The temperature of the surface at which the water vapours condensate is called the dew point. The condensed water may appear on any of the internal surfaces of the building or form within the construction and known as interstitial condensation. The condensed water may through a crack on the wall to appear possibly on the internal surface of wall even some distance from its points of origin. Therefore, this form of condensation can be very knotty due to the difficulty in identifying and its adve rse effect on the insulation. Besides, it also damaging and give rise to other defects to the walls such as the materials used in the walls especially in cavities and voids. Moreover, the condensation is most lightly to occur especially in locations where the relative humidity of the internal air is high such as bathrooms and kitchens. Some of the materials have the property of absorbing moisture from the air. The amount of water condenses in walls is very considerable indeed, because it is not only damage the fabric of a wall and lead to more frequent redecorating, but it is also may leading the wall to a state of almost permanent dampness and providing suitable conditions for the growth of mould and mildew. The growth of mould and mildew will affect the health of the buildings occupants. Occupational Besides the water vapour produced by the occupants of building (one adult produces half a litre of water in 9 hours simply from breathing), water may be present in a building by leaking pipes, tanks and cisterns. It will caused the problem of condensation become more worsen. Cracks Cracks are occurred because the building or part of building has been withstanding the applied forces greater than it can be withstand. These applied forces may have applied externally to the building, internally within the building or have been built up in the materials of the building as a result of chemical changes. These may be a single force or a combination of forces, or having a single cause or several causes. Much of the cracking occurs in the early in the life of the building is inevitable since it is due to the internal forces built up in many materials when the water used in the construction process dries out. Such cracking is generally superficial but it is potential to cause little problem later on if the remedial measure is not taking. Obviously every crack is a sign that the building is become instability. Some looked very serious cracks on the structural may have little or no effect on the stability either because the building has a high factor of safety or because the affected area does not influence to the stability of the structure. Rarely does a building collapse soon after the appearance of a crack, even if the crack is large. The cracking of the brick walls may be caused by overloading in structural, foundation settlement, excessive floor loadings, temperature settlement, contraction in structural members, or poor materials and poor workmanship in the original construction. The types of crack include horizontal cracks, vertical and diagonal cracks, shrinkage cracks and step cracks (Integrated Publishing, n.d.). Horizontal Cracks Horizontal cracks are generally long, wide cracks in the mortar joints that occur along the line of lintels over the window or along the line of the roof slab or floor. Where the horizontal movement cracks turn the corner of a building, they often rack down. Racked-down corner occur where the horizontal cracks along the side and end of a building meet. Normally, the horizontal crack not only continue around the corner but forms part of a diagonal crack that takes a downward direction and meet a similar crack from the other side, forming a V. The bricks inside this V are loosened and must be reset. Vertical and Diagonal Cracks Vertical and diagonal movement cracks usually occur near the ends or offsets of buildings. These cracks may also found extending from a window sill to the lintel or a door or window on a lower floor. The cracks can be from à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ º to à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã…“ of an inch in width and follow the mortar joints. However, in some cases, they may break through the bricks or other masonry. Shrinkage Cracks Shrinkage cracks are the fine hairline cracks that are found in mortar and concrete walls. the most noticeable ones are those running vertically, but a close examination of a section of a wall that leaks may also show them in the horizontal or bed joints of brick or block walls. Step cracks Step cracks is also known as stairstep cracks or stepping cracks, which is refer to cracks that follow the mortar joints in a brick o block wall. The cracks may be step up or step down along the wall. Generally, the step cracks is caused by minor movement of the footing, shrinkage or wall movement and by itself is not a major cause for concern. However, wide cracks or step cracks combined with other cracks and movement indicate a problem. Defect of External Finishes are various sorts of finishes was applied to the external faces of walls for a better achievement of the protection and aesthetically. Those finishes vary from rendering applied to structural walls to paint applied to walls. To carry out the finish-treatments to the wall may be subject to aspects such as defects intrinsic to the particular material, defects in the backgrounds to which they are applied and the defects arising from incompatibility of the finish and its background. Even though these various aspects are very important, but they are not considered fully enough to enable a correct diagnosis to be made. This is partly because the part played by the background is not appreciated. Generally it seems to be thought that if the background was in a satisfactory condition prior to the application of the finish any subsequent change in it must be due to the finish. On the other hand, the finishes also will be affected by the background. Wide cracks will present no difficulty since it may be possible to see into them, but if the cracks are only hair-crack width it will often be necessary to take a part of the finish off to expose the background. Sometimes the wrong type of finish has been used for the particular surfaces and condition and this possibility should be considered when deciding on the remedial work. It must also be considered at the design stage when buildings of similar type are to be erected in the same locality or where the exposure conditions are similar. Defect of Internal Finishes The internal finishes applied to the walls whether the sub-strate of such walls is an internal wall or the inner face of an external wall, the finishes are often identical and subject to the same occupancy conditions. For a variety of reasons the maintenance of the internal decorations is carried out at reasonably short intervals and this often conceals the consequential effects caused by the defects and therefore the symptoms of defects in the underlying fabric or in other related parts of a building. However, this may cause to take more time to discovery of a defect or camouflage its seriousness if the defects were found. Most of the defects concern either the plaster applied to the walls or the decorations. In addition the finishes such as timber paneling and decorative faced boards are unlikelihood to defects except the possible opening of the joints between the boards. Most of the cracks in the plasterboard will usually have their origin in the sub-strate. By inserting a thin and stiffish piece of wire in to the crack in the plaster can make sure whether the crack have it origin in the sub-strate and it is also a efficient way to measuring the distance penetrated of the crack. The decoration on the inner face of the external walls is likely to be damaged by the moisture. On the other word, moisture damage to the decoration on the partition walls is less probable because the surface of partitions will usually be warmer and therefore less vulnerable to condensation. If the ground salts (Chloride Nitrates) have accumulated in the wall over a long period and have been transferred into the plaster it will brought deteriorative effect for the finishes of the walls. This because the ground salts have the property of absorbing moisture from the air and influence the plasterwork damp. One of the problems with internal walls is ascertaining the form of construction and the materials used. If they are of solid construction it may often be possible to drill a small hole at some convenient point to find out what material has been used, but this information is accurate only if it can be assured that the same material has been used for the whole wall.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Assignment On Organisation Behaviour Course Business Essays

Assignment On Organisation Behaviour Course Business Essays Introduction: Management is process of organise ideas, activities and people. Without organise activities individuals and teams are not involved in successful performance of work organisations. All the managers in organisation perform certain functions to get things done by teams and individuals. Organising is the process of allocating work, arranging team and groups, allocating power and recourses among the members of organisation to achieve goals and objectives of the organisation. Stephen P. Robbins (1997) defines Organisation behaviour as a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving organizations effectiveness. Thus Organisation Behaviour is fundamentally concerned with what people do in organizations. It applies the knowledge gained by individuals, teams and group which makes organisation work more effectively. Organisation behaviour is a very important concept of effective management in modern era of business. Organisation behaviour is the study of peoples behaviour in the organisation because organisation is not known for their buildings and locations but for their human recourses. Now a day Multi National Companies (MNCs) are operating their business globally and they are adopting cross cultural approach to the managing people from different cultures and regions. (Mullins L, 2005) Most Important factors to effective Organisational performance: There are many factors like leadership, organisational culture, motivation and rewards, training, which are most important for the successful performance of work organisations. Leadership is the process in which followers and situations are involves as a process ingredients and catalyst respectively. The Effectiveness of a leader is too important for any organisation, society and country. Effective leaders create results, attain goal, and realize vision and other objectives more quickly and at a higher level of quality than ineffective leaders. (Hughes et al, 2006). There was substantial uncertainty in the integration that was only made poorer by the external environment such as financial markets crisis.   The leadership plays a critical role in the beginning of the integration of the businesses. The leadership is key factor in the effectiveness of the integration and successful performance of the organisation, with social influence theory guiding the argument in the development of trust between the employees and the leaders.   Based on the organisational behaviour theories, it appears the performance going forward to build the organisational commitment for workforce and ensures the effectiveness of the managers.   Organisational Culture: Organisations build up their culture through history, tradition, structure and organisational goals. Organisational Culture gives an idea of organisations mission, organisations leaders, rituals, beliefs, values and normal behaviour pattern. An organisations culture summarized what it has been good at and what has achieved in the past. Types of Organisational culture: A power culture  is one based on the authority of one or a few number of persons within an organisation. They make important decisions for the organisation. A role culture  is present in large hierarchical organisations in which managers have clear roles to complete which are personally specified. Managers tend to work closely to their job description according to rules and regulations of the organisation. A task culture  exists when teams are formed to complete particular tasks. A separate team culture develops, and because the team is empowered to make decisions. A person culture  is the most unique form of culture and exists when persons are fully allowed to express themselves and make decisions for them. Culture change involves moving an organisation on from one form of culture to another, usually through a culture change programme. Motivation and rewards: Motivation is a behaviour that you can influence but not create. Even highly motivated individuals can get frustrated, discouraged, or tired on a project. Team members need to know they are valued, their efforts are noticed, and their good work is appreciated. Managers are usually aware to some extent of the ways in which both intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation affect performance and work satisfaction, but there are many complexities in how these different types of motivations and their relevant rewards affect behaviour. One of the most subtle and demanding complexities has been found to occur when extrinsic rewards are given for performance in a task which would otherwise have been undertaken purely out of interest. But effects of the interaction are not simple and have been a subject of extensive debate in recent years. How extrinsic rewards affect intrinsic motivation obviously has many implications for the management of incentives for work and study where both extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation are very often found together. Extrinsic rewards have been found to reduce intrinsic motivation, but not in all circumstances. The majority of published research has dealt with the effect on motivation rather than performance, but consequent effects can be evident in performance, and there are many theoretical predictions supported at least in part by empirical findings. When people are intrinsically motivated they tend be more aware of a wide range of range of phenomena, while giving careful attention to complexities, inconsistencies, novel events and unexpected possibilities. They need time and freedom to make choices, to gather and process information, and have an appreciation of well finished and integrated products, all of which may lead to a greater depth of learning and more creative output. Extrinsic rewards tend to focus attention more narrowly and to shorten time perspectives, which may result in more efficient production of predefined or standardised products. Job satisfaction and long term commitment t o a task may also be affected. By intrinsic motivation we mean a process of arousal and satisfaction in which the rewards come from carrying out an activity rather from a result of the activity. We speak of the rewards being intrinsic to a task rather than the task being a means to an end that is rewarded or satisfying. By contrast, one might work hard at a task in order to eat or gain social approval. Such work, undertaken as a means to an end, is typically deficit motivated behaviour, in which there is a reward as a consequence of effort to reach a goal where the deficit is reduced. Intrinsic motivation tends more to be appetitive, new information arousing a slight interest leading to an appetite for more. Training: Well-trained employees are the key to your small business success. Studies have shown that the most successful, productive employees are those who have received extensive training. Theyre the cream of the crop, often having the strongest stake in the companys future. Employee training and development initiatives can transform organizations with providing extra skills to your employees to not only increase safety and productivity but training leads to higher job satisfaction, which shows up in better corporate performance.   Valuable training also includes situational training that provides personnel the skill sets that allow them to make timely, knowledgeable decisions that benefit both the customer and the company. The quality of employees and their development through training and education are major factors in determining long-term profitability of a small business. If you hire and keep good employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, so they can increase their productivity. Benefits of Training and Development   Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the companys competitive position and improves employee morale. Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs. Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing its workers, including: Increased productivity. Reduced employee turnover. Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains. Decreased need for supervision. Employees frequently develop a greater sense of self-worth, dignity and well-being as they become more valuable to the firm and to society. Generally they will receive a greater share of the material gains that result from their increased productivity. These factors give them a sense of satisfaction through the achievement of personal and company goals. Case Study on Business Process Outsourcing Firm Sutherland Sutherland  Global  Services  was  founded  in  1986  as  a  global  BPO  and  Technology   Enabled  services company offering   an   integrated   set   of   backà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ office   and   customer   facing   frontà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ office   services   that support   the  entire  customer   lifecycle.   It is  one  of  the  largest,  independent  global  BPO  companies. It currently has main Headquartered  in  Rochester,  N.Y,  Sutherland  employs  over  26,000  professionals  and  has  25  globaldelivery  centres  in  the  United  States,  Canada,  Mexico,  Nicaragua,  India,  the Philippines,  Bulgaria, and  the  United  Kingdom. Prior to pursuing this course, I had an experience in this BPO at my home country India where I used to work as a Customer Sales Executive. Where, I personally felt the experience of working under good knowledgeable highly skilled leaders who used to keep their team as a strong benchmarking level. The quality of leadership offered was too generous. Every employee used to given a chance or suggestion for exchanging their views and opinions in order to reformulate management or other exhibit activities. However, employee training was beyond the boundary, company mainly puts emphasis on each and individual employee they understands and gives feasible amount of training to respective employee irrespective of level of employees work. Core areas of employee training was to understand and make them confident enough to sustain against every situation come around while employee hits the floor. Furthermore, employee motivation and rewards system was excellent out there. Employee itself works h ard to achieve certain goal which let them feels like special amongst the rest. Moreover, two types of rewards in the form of motivation used to given out to the employees. 1st was the financial Incentive, bonus, Arius and commission was the categories while 2nd was the individual appraisal, promotion and recognition was the formalised rewards system carry out. In a way whole paradigm of organization meant to increase companies revenues. Obstacles affecting Organisation Performance Inner conflicts According to Warren (2003) internal conflicts usually when there is a lack of communication between two departments or say individuals. It can also arise if there is a lack of enthusiasm among the different individuals working in the same company. It also give arise to a conflict if at all there is some deficiency in the vision of seing towards the managing of system. One of the critical obstacles which potentially distracts the overall management of an organisation which leads to conflicts between all the levels of employee such as top middle and low level of management. To avoid this kind of conflicts many firm follows conflict management model where they can change the behaviour and inter-relate difference. An assertive conflict comprises competition, collaboration while a non-assertive conflict comprises avoidance, accommodation in the form of co-operative and non co-operative methods of solving inner conflicts. Furthermore, individual difference such as gender difference or cultural difference may affects the companies inner environment which leads to loss of trust in each other and portray lack of integrity in teams as well as overall moral of team gets down. One more reason of the internal conflicts is the generation gaps among the employees working in the same departments that is the younger generation has got more independent thoughts and also they are more enthusiastic in order of adapting new working patterns, as a result of which the conflicts starts arising between them. According to Daniel (2001) acceptance of change is a sudden change in the working environment or say an up gradation of the system. This would make difficult for the employees working in the organisation to get adapted to the new change. In most of the firms when the system gets upgrade or when there is any new change in the working style most of the employees found a major conflict in adapting it. The reason behind that is most of the employees after a specific pattern; it becomes a tradition of working in that style. Hence after using such a tradition and if suddenly a new pattern is introduced, it becomes very difficult for the employees to adapt the new concept which ultimately gives a raise to conflict. In order to make this concept more clear let us take one case study, when was back in India there was a big issue with one of the most prestigious bank of India that is State Bank of India. As a all the banks going to get upgraded and were going to get computerised the conflicts so arises that most of the employees were working with the traditional system from more than last 30 years and more over none of the employees had any knowledge regarding computers, so when computerised system was introduced it become so hard for them to adapt it. But eventually after giving them lots of trainings it finally came into existences. Thus it is the best example which can explain it more specifically. ii) Changing nature of Modern work organisation: New forms of work organisation have come up in last 25 years which is known as modern work organisation. Many organisations have adopted these new forms and become more successful work organisation. Work has been restructured by new technologies; new looms that attempt to involve staff in improving product quality using less inventories. Employees involvement can provide employees with control over their operational lives or it can provide employees with the opportunity to mention on work organisation but leave the real authority relationships untouched. The work organisation was changed a lot over the time from 19th century (traditional work organisation) to 21st century (modern work organisation). Traditional work organisational structure was layered with functional departments while Modern work organisational structure is more flat containing process teams. Traditional work organisations employees were controlled and did specified task only while modern work organisations employees are empowered and doing multi tasks. Managers and executives were supervisors and scorekeepers in traditional work organisation; they become coaches and leaders in the modern work organisation. Working system value was protective in traditional work organisation which is productive in modern work organisation. New job started with training in traditional organisation but in modern work organisation new job start with learning. Employees promotion was based on performance and activities in traditional work organisation while in modern work oganisation em ployees promotional is based on their ability and outcomes of their their activities. The changing nature of modern work organisation is due to globalisation, more customer focused markets, change in telecommunication, fast spread of Information technology and worldwide competition. The Modern work organisation is like now more flexible and fundamentally changed from generally accepted management theories and techniques. Social, economical and legal factors have changed the concept of corporate social responsibilities (CSR) and business morals. Modern work organisations philosophy is based on trust among employee, teamwork, individual responsibilities and personal development of staff. Management is a cornerstone of organisational effectiveness, and the integrating activity that permeates every facet of the operations of the organisation. I agree with this statement because Management is a vital part of successful organisation. Organisational goals are achieved by employees through managements direction, guidance and integration. Without people there can be no organisation and no productive activity thus managing people effectively is the responsibility of management. Effective management of people in the organisation is very important because physical recourses are owned by organisation but human recourses are not owned by organisation. People have their own feelings, perception, attitude, ideas and working style towards organisation. Thus the role of successful management is to integrate individual and the organisation. The changing nature of modern work organisation is also affect the management but the integrating activity of management which permeates every part of the operations of the organisation. Management as the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness: Management includes a collection of diverse functions undertaken to complete an organisational goal successfully. In the simple word, management is all about getting things done. The term management may be defined recently, but it was present at a time when humankind started learning the art of organising and simply planning. Peter Drucker  (1993) defined management as Supplying knowledge to find out how existing knowledge can best be applied to produce results is, in effect, what we mean by management. But knowledge is now also being applied systematically and purposefully to determine what new knowledge is needed, whether it is feasible, and what has to be done to make knowledge effective. It is being applied, in other word to systematic innovation thus it is clear from definition that management is an innovative as well as a efficient flow of knowledge that can be applied to achieved organisational goals by using people and other recourses in an effective way. Management theories are mainly of two types, one concentrates mainly on efficiency and another concentrates mainly on effectiveness. Efficiency is about doing things the right way and Effectiveness is about doing the right things.  Combination of efficiency and effectiveness is very important for good management style. Organisational effectiveness depends on the organisational structure, operations of organisations, and the process of management and the behaviour of people at work but management is the key factor of organisational effectiveness. Process of management is influenced by legal, social and environmental factors. Managerial roles are mainly five types; organising, commanding, coordinating, controlling and planning. Organising is key role of manager which means being responsible for jobs and tasks being carried out by individuals within organisation. Commanding is important role which means giving orders and instructions to individuals and expecting them to be carried out to achieve organisational goal. Coordinating (Integrating) is essential role of manager which means all activities are arranged, adjusted and integrated in time and situation to ensure smooth running of all organisational operations. Controlling is supervising role of manager which involves directing, inspecting and controlling individuals and teams. Planning is fundamental role of manager which means determines in advance what should be consummated and how it should be consummated. (Bounds G, Yorks L, Adams M, Ranney G, 1994). It is clear from above discussion that management is a cornerstone of organisational effectiveness and without management is not easy to carry out all operations to achieve organisational goals. Management as an integrating activity: Management is heterogeneous and is accepting at all levels of the organisation, as it is an integrating activity. Managers have to manage in order to achieve the organisational goals. Every organisation is seeking effective managers, and the quality of management is a key element of organisational effectiveness. There are mainly four things which influence on organisation behaviour: The Individual, the group, the organisation and the environment. The Individual: Organisations are made up of individual members. Individuals are essential to the study of organisational behaviour. Conflict starts if requirements and demands of the organisation and the individual are mismatched, thus the role of management is to integrate individuals and the organisation as a way to accomplishing organisational goals. The Group: Groups are important to organisational work and performance. Groups are either formal or informal. Groups often build up their own hierarchies and leaders. Groups can influence personality behaviour and performance of the individual, thus managerial understanding is very important for group processes can help the task of integration. The Organisation: Prescribed organisational structure is produced by management. It establishes internal relationships between management and the employees. It provides order and systems among staff and managers. Organisational design can have an impact on the behaviour of people within organisations, thus management helps to direct the organisation towards the achievement of organisational goals through integration of organisational activities. The environment: External environmental factors like technological and scientific development, economic activity, social and cultural influences and the impact of government actions affects the organisation to achieve its goals, thus management needs to integrate the opportunities and risks presented by the external environment to the achievement of goals. Management can integrate the Individual, the group, the organisation and the environment which influence on organisation behaviour. To improving relationship of people and organisation is based on following four points. Organisational processes and execution of work: Management needs to improve organisational processes to help individuals within the operations, who can plan and execute their job effectively to get optimum output using fewer inventories. Coordinating efforts of members of the organisation: Management needs to coordinate efforts of individuals within the organisation, which can create new organisational climate in which they can work more effectively and willingly. Coherent Pattern of activities within total work organisation: Management needs to adapt rational pattern of activities within total work organisation, which can create employee friendly pattern of activities to improve individual speed and style of work. Systems of motivation, job satisfaction and rewards: Management needs to give motivation and rewards to individuals within the organisation, which can satisfy needs of people at work. Job satisfaction and motivation is very important for employee to work hard for attain organisational goals. It is clear from above discussion that management is an integrating activity that permeates every facet of the operations of the organisation. The integrating activity of organisational effectiveness and without management is not easy to carry out all operations to achieve organisational goals. Reference: These changes can have a variety of results. Computers can create new and challenging jobs and they can also be used to make existing jobs more repetitive. There are ongoing debates about how new these new forms of work organization are, how effective they are in making firms more productive, and disagreement on whether they allow workers to work smarter or simply force them to work harder. At the same time many proposals that call for greater worker control are seen as being incompatible with the rights of management. Conclusion This overall study comprises of different aspects mainly which are leads to organizations performance improvement such as employees training, rewards and motivation further how nature of environment remains healthy by excellent leadership where case study of BPO Company highlighted. Lastly, also several points highlighted along with examples and how to overcome from it while the factors described which affects the performance of an organization.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Criminology Psychological Theories Essay -- Social Psychology, Introve

Social Psychology is a field that attempts understated how thoughts, behavior and feelings are influenced by the implied presence, actual or imagined presence of others. Social influence involves the exercise of social power by a person or a group to change the altitudes or behaviour of others in a particular direction. Social power refers t o the â€Å"force available to the influencer to motivate change† (Allport, 1985). Young people are more prone to social influence due to need for conformity with their peers. This makes many teenagers in United Kingdom to indulge in criminal and deviant behaviours, which is closely associated with drug use and gang crimes. We can therefore argue that some emotional, psychological and biological characteristics make youths to indulge in gang crimes. It is hard to differentiate drug abuse and violence in United Kingdom or a cross the world at large. Adolescence drug use scares adults. The spectres of addiction, psychosis, alienation and rebellion provoke dramatic responses: legislations enact and create control agencies; social scientists conduct studies; and all these efforts are documented, evaluated and modified. In all these activities, however, the perspective of adolescents is neglected. They too, are concerned about dangers and are influenced by these controls, but their concerns are of different sorts. They are the ones who choose which drugs, if any, to try, who decide which use patterns to settle on; who experience the effects of drug use is a part of the adolescent’s social world. In fact they sometimes report the uses, meaning and consequences of drug use. It is therefore challenging to attempt to prevent or intervene in such a use are based on assumptions about the meaning of drugs ... ...sychology ( Vol. 1, 3rd.,pp1-46. New York: Random House. Bandura , A. (1977). Sociol Theory. New York. Universal Press. Block Herbert & Arthur Nienehoffer, the gang: a study in adolescent behaviour. New York. Universal press. Decker Scott (1996) Collective and Normative Features of Gang Violence. Washington : National Institute of Justice. Eysenck. H (1964). Crime and personality. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Howell James (1997) Youth Gang Drug Trafficking and Homicide: Policy and Program Implications Juvenile Justice Journal 4: 4-5 Kohlberg ,l. (1969). Stage of Moral Development and Action: New York. Winston Publishers. Lange J. Crime as a Destiny. London. Allen & Urwin. Marshalls lance & David Crook (1999). The childhood experience of a psychopath: A retrospective study of familial and societal factors. Journal of personality disorders, 13,211-225.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf - Anglo-Saxon Customs and Values

Anglo-Saxon Customs and Values Reflected in Beowulf      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Readers today approach the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf with cultural preconceptions very different from those expressed by the author of this poem. This essay hopes to enlighten the modern reader regarding the customs and values from the time of the poem’s composition.      Beowulf makes reference to Ingeld and his wife and the coming Heathobard feud:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   in that hot passion his love for peace-weaver,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   his wife, will cool (2065-66)    This is a rare passage, for Anglo-Saxon poetry rarely mentions romantic feelings between spouses. In fact, one’s marital status was even considered insignificant. For example, with the hero himself the poet never mentions whether he is married or not. On the other hand, feelings between men are presented frequently and with surprising intensity. Consider Beowulf’s farewell from Hrothgar and Heorot:    Then the good king,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of a noble race, great Scylding prince,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   held that best thane round the neck and kissed him; his tears ran down, streaked his great beard.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wise in his age, he expected two things,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   but one the more strongly, that never again  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   would they look on each other as in this brave meeting.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That man was so dear that he could not withhold  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   those deep tears; fixed in his heart   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by the bonds of thought, a deep-felt longing  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   for the beloved man burned in his... ...ld English days.    From the above it’s obvious that abundant evidence amply demonstrates that Beowulf truly reflects an Anglo-Saxon culture which is so much different from anything modern readers are used to.    BIBLIOGRAPHY    Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 1977.    Cramp, Rosemary. â€Å"Beowulf   and Archaeology.† In TheBeowulf Poet, edited byDonald K. fry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.    Robinson, Fred C.. â€Å"Differences Between Modern and Anglo-Saxon Values.† In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,1998.    Collins, Roger and McClure, Judith, editors. Bede: The Ecclesiastical History of the English People; The Greater Chronicle; Bede’s Letter to Egbert. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969.   

Encouraging Diverse Enrollment in Womens Studies Courses :: Essays Papers

Encouraging Diverse Enrollment in Women's Studies Courses What stands in the way of a more diversity in Women’s Studies classes such as Feminism 101? The posing of this question is in and of itself a step to increasing diversity, for in the answers we find, we may also expose solutions to these roadblocks. I will therefore, be discussing causes of the current white, female, young, middle-class, and non-disabled majority in Women’s Studies’ class rosters. Once I've established what is causing a majority to be present, I will then attempt to answer those problems with possible solutions, or at least steps in the right direction. Cross-racial hostility keeps minority races from interacting effectively with each other. Racism in general separates the white feminist community from everyone else. Internalized sexism tells us that we are just women, prone to bickering and infighting, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Heterosexism and lesbian bating (accusing a woman of being a lesbian if she is independent and freethinking) keep potential women’s studies students far away from our classrooms. Everyone is held back by the labels which separate us. Now I don't agree that these are the only oppressive forces dividing the feminist population and keeping new people from joining, but I would postulate that these conflicts function the same in Women's Studies as they do in the feminist movement in general. These are the central expressions of oppression that make cohesive, equal, cooperation seem beyond our grasp. bell hooks, a black feminist writer, wrote in her book Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, "Women in lower-class and poor groups, particularly those who are non-white, would not have defined women’s liberation as women gaining social equality with men, since they are continually reminded in their everyday lives that all women do not share a common social status." (19). This passage contains they key that answers the question of why people of color are not represented equally in our women’s studies classes with white people. Because Women's Studies (and Feminism) had been cast as the arena of white women, who had the time and money to start the movement, women of color are less likely to think the classes are relevant to them. And they are overwhelmingly female. How then, armed with our understanding of this problem, can we get a more racially diverse student body interested in what Women's Studies has to offer?